Life under a pandemic

Judy and I are very hopeful that all of you are safe, healthy, and practicing good social distancing. While we watch the world news of the pandemic and feel for all the people whose lives are greatly impacted we spend our time largely as we did before. Gardening, finishing projects in the house. Only the hoarders have impacted us and not by much. I am sure we will find toilet paper in the next 2 months.

On the big island of Hawaii, we now have 3 cases, all travel related. As such, anyone arriving in the state is subject to 2 weeks quarantine. The traveler stays in their hotel (or wherever they are staying) for 2 weeks, or if staying for less than 2 weeks, they are quaranteened until they leave. And, all the beaches on the big island are closed. So no! No one can go to any beach: no swiming, snorkeling, scuba diving, swimming with dolphines or manta rays--Nada!

So, as much as we would love to have all of you come stay with us, you will have to wait until it is safe--best guess is July at the earliest. The good news: both our guest bedrooms are set up and available, each with their own bathroom. And we have set up an outdoor sleeping area on the downstairs lanai.

Judy and I were lucky to go on a whale watching trip just before shelter in place became the rule of the day. Best whale watching we ever were on. Here are a couple of images.

This whale swam under our boat. Very lucky timing.

When the whale dove, I was able to capture her tail. Pure luck.
There was a young whale putting on a fanstastic show of jumping out of the water, splashing it's fin, and generally enjoying life. Here is one of those images. By the way, the mountain in the background is Hualalai, the mountain (volcano) upon which we live.
Hualalai Volcano in background
The landscaping is coming together. Took some pictures of flowers blooming in our yard today. Enjoy. May they bring a bit of sunshine to your day.

Please stay safe and well. Please let us know how you are doing.

Love from Judy and Mike


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