90 Yards of concrete

The most positive news of the week is that Judy met with an orthopedic surgeon who is into exercise, nutrition and meditation (exactly the type of MD I thought we would encounter in Hawaii, but he is the first of that breed). Judy has been diligent in doing her physical theraphy exercises and the MD was pleased with her range of motion. His comment was that he could get in there for surgery and not be able to fix it. So, why not stick with exercises and begin some strengthening exercises. He gave a steroid shot which reduced immflamation and no surgery. Relief was instantaneous. The PT gave her some new exercises and Judy is feeling much better about the whole thing.

The first of 5 cement pours is now history. The estimate was off: the contractor expected 50+ yards and actually used fully 90 yards--9 cement truck loads. The pump operator thinks we could build a 6 story building on the slab. A minimum of 2 foot deep, this slab will not go anywhere. In just over 3 weeks, we will work on doing an acid stain on the part that will be within the downstairs (the slightly raised area in the pictures). Should be an interesting process.
Notice the front wheels of the pumper truck: no earth contact.

We found another nice place to hike. The beach was all rock and no sand, but area is gorgeous. Puako Bay and Puako reef. Of course trying to charge up the eGolf at the charging station close by was a complete bust. One would hope that Hawaii would do a better job of making electric car charging stations more reliable. After all, one of Hawaii's goals is to have all cars be completely electric by some year not to far in the future. But it makes the ride home a bit more fun and challenging. And the surf was again exciting.

Turns out the less warm time of the year actually requires a second blankeet on the bed. Not as bad as the east coast or midwest. It is amazing how quickly we have acclimated to warmer weather.

Our friend Angelo had his hip replaced just over a week ago. He seemed in good spirits and we are wishing him an easy and speedy recovery. Best wishes Angelo.


Judy and Mike


  1. Speaking of hip replacement. I picked my doc for knee surgery. Check out the website:



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