An exciting day Tuesday at the lot. We are able to see the bottom of our lot for the first time. The person who operates the excavator was able to "grub" (dig out the immense growth, tear it out, take down trees that are junk trees) the lower part of the lot. At one point his machine got stuck at an angle hanging over the drop off and stopped by growth that snagged his gas line. He had to get under the machine, clean off the debris while gasoline dripped on his face. He was not a happy camper later in the day when we came by to cheer him on. He found the surveyor's stakes that were well hidden. One of those stakes, the one on the North West, we never saw before today. Fifteen months of looking at Elephant grass and other weeds. The surveyor placed the stake twice and honored our wish to have it placed on a tall piece of PVC. Unfortunately it was buffered by solid jungle until now. In case you missed it, when we bought this lot, we bought it "site unseen." That's right--we never saw the lot until it was almost ours. Judy went and looked as the lot was closing and got to see very tall weeds. This speaks to our risk tolerance obviously.
One day, Judy and I hacked our way through the jungle to find the surveyor's stake on the south-west side along the rock wall that is a boundry of our property. But we were totally unable to cut our way through to the north-west pin. ICYMI: our lot has 5 sides. So finding the last pin and seeing the bottom of the lot is a major accomplishment.
And, the pad for the house is in great shape. We will actually have some yard for planting. Pictures below. I image this lot heaped with rocks may fail to excite you. In addition to rocks we took note of a hen with about 15 chicks and a rooster. Since they eat bugs and specifically Centipedes they are welcome to stick around.
The driveway going down to the entrance to the garage |
The north side which will be part of our upper front yard |
The main pad for the house. Nice and flat. Supported by massive rocks all copacted down |
A panoramic from the south side to the north side; about 270 degrees. Look for the white poles with the orange ribbon; those are the flags that demarcate the lower part of the yard |
Again, look for the white PVC pole with the orange ribbon; that is the flag. Just beyond it is a stacked rock wall that demarcates the boundry of our lot |
The other white PVC pipe with orange ribbon demarcates the North-West corner of the lot |
Our first view of the absolute lowest part of the lot |
And, looking up from that lower part of the lot see the giant boulders holding up the pad for the house. In the distance you can see our southern neighbor's house. |
Small change in plans. Because our house has a 4 foot roof overhang, the driveway may not have enough space for a truck to come down the side of the house to service the septic. So, our contractor decided the house should move 2 feet north which meant that the wall that was holding the upper pad had to be redone--doing and undoing. Oh well. But at least lots of form boards are present at the site.
We got a weather station set up this weekend. Judy was told that every 7 inches of rain she needs to fertilize. So we had our first rainstorm this afternoon, and of course, the connection to the inside station and the outdoor station disappeared. So we don't know yet how much rain we received today. More work to be done.
December morning from our lot |
December sunset
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